/* This testcase is part of GDB, the GNU debugger. Copyright 2017-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include /* Code for operator() tests. */ struct test_unique_op_call { void operator() (int); }; void test_unique_op_call::operator() (int) {} struct test_op_call { void operator() (); void operator() (int); void operator() (long); template void operator() (T *); }; void test_op_call::operator() (int) {} void test_op_call::operator() () {} void test_op_call::operator() (long) {} template void test_op_call::operator() (T *t) { } /* Code for operator[] tests. */ struct test_unique_op_array { void operator[] (int); }; void test_unique_op_array::operator[] (int) {} struct test_op_array { void operator[] (int); void operator[] (long); template void operator[] (T *); }; void test_op_array::operator[] (int) {} void test_op_array::operator[] (long) {} template void test_op_array::operator[] (T *t) {} /* Code for operator new tests. */ static int dummy; struct test_op_new { void *operator new (size_t); }; void * test_op_new::operator new (size_t) { return &dummy; } /* Code for operator delete tests. */ struct test_op_delete { void operator delete (void *); }; void test_op_delete::operator delete (void *) { } /* Code for operator new[] tests. */ struct test_op_new_array { void *operator new[] (size_t); }; void * test_op_new_array::operator new[] (size_t) { return &dummy; } /* Code for operator delete[] tests. */ struct test_op_delete_array { void operator delete[] (void *); }; void test_op_delete_array::operator delete[] (void *) { } /* Code for user-defined conversion tests. */ struct test_op_conversion_res; struct test_op_conversion { operator const volatile test_op_conversion_res **() const volatile; }; test_op_conversion::operator const volatile test_op_conversion_res **() const volatile { return NULL; } /* Code for the assignment operator tests. */ struct test_op_assign { test_op_assign operator= (const test_op_assign &); }; test_op_assign test_op_assign::operator= (const test_op_assign &) { return test_op_assign (); } /* Code for the arrow operator tests. */ struct test_op_arrow { test_op_arrow operator-> (); }; test_op_arrow test_op_arrow::operator-> () { return test_op_arrow (); } /* Code for the logical/arithmetic operators tests. */ struct E { }; #define GEN_OP(NS, ...) \ namespace test_ops { \ void operator __VA_ARGS__ {} \ } \ namespace test_op_ ## NS { \ void operator __VA_ARGS__ {} \ } GEN_OP (PLUS_A, += (E, E) ) GEN_OP (PLUS, + (E, E) ) GEN_OP (MINUS_A, -= (E, E) ) GEN_OP (MINUS, - (E, E) ) GEN_OP (MOD_A, %= (E, E) ) GEN_OP (MOD, % (E, E) ) GEN_OP (EQ, == (E, E) ) GEN_OP (NEQ, != (E, E) ) GEN_OP (LAND, && (E, E) ) GEN_OP (LOR, || (E, E) ) GEN_OP (SL_A, <<= (E, E) ) GEN_OP (SR_A, >>= (E, E) ) GEN_OP (SL, << (E, E) ) GEN_OP (SR, >> (E, E) ) GEN_OP (OE, |= (E, E) ) GEN_OP (BIT_O, | (E, E) ) GEN_OP (XOR_A, ^= (E, E) ) GEN_OP (XOR, ^ (E, E) ) GEN_OP (BIT_AND_A, &= (E, E) ) GEN_OP (BIT_AND, & (E, E) ) GEN_OP (LT, < (E, E) ) GEN_OP (LTE, <= (E, E) ) GEN_OP (GTE, >= (E, E) ) GEN_OP (GT, > (E, E) ) GEN_OP (MUL_A, *= (E, E) ) GEN_OP (MUL, * (E, E) ) GEN_OP (DIV_A, /= (E, E) ) GEN_OP (DIV, / (E, E) ) GEN_OP (NEG, ~ (E) ) GEN_OP (NOT, ! (E) ) GEN_OP (PRE_INC, ++ (E) ) GEN_OP (POST_INC, ++ (E, int) ) GEN_OP (PRE_DEC, -- (E) ) GEN_OP (POST_DEC, -- (E, int) ) GEN_OP (COMMA, , (E, E) ) int main () { test_op_call opcall; opcall (); opcall (1); opcall (1l); opcall ((int *) 0); test_unique_op_call opcall2; opcall2 (1); test_op_array op_array; op_array[1]; op_array[1l]; op_array[(int *) 0]; test_unique_op_array unique_op_array; unique_op_array[1]; return 0; }